Friday, April 21, 2017

Miss Niles' Class Sharing our Fairy Tale Adaptations

A Visit from the Vermont Bucks!

One highlight from this week was a visit from the Vermont Bucks Football Team.  They are the new indoor football team in Burlington!  Two players, Kelvin and Brandon, visited our team. They had the children do some warm up exercises and then talked with the children about the importance of working hard in school and following your dreams.  The team also gave every student in the school a free coupon to the game this weekend at the Gutterson Fieldhouse at UVM.  Hope you can make it to a game!

In math, we continued our geometry unit by exploring quadrilaterals.  This week, the children had to solve riddles using what they know about quadrilateral attributes.  Then they made their own quadrilateral riddles for their classmates to solve.  We also continued to work more with area and perimeter of a variety of arrays.

During Reader's Workshop, we finished our second book called Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel.  We have been studying Dyamonde as a character and have been comparing her actions, problem resolution skills, and her character traits to Opal from Because of Winn Dixie.  We also explored the themes of the book and the lessons learned. The children found that both of these books dealt with themes of friendship and kindness.  We ended the week by watching the movie Because of Winn Dixie!  Ask your child if the movie was the same as the book!  Which did he or she like better?

We finished writing our fairy tale adaptations this week and celebrated with a publishing party. Both classes shared their adaptations with their Kindergarten Book Buddies.  It was fun to see how proud our third grader authors were of their work!

It was wonderful to see so many of you at the Third Grade Informance this week!  Hope you enjoyed the songs and the dancing!

Have a wonderful vacation!  School resumes on Monday, May 1st!

Friday, April 14, 2017

Another Busy Week!

Team Esprit continued their learning about Geometry this week and focused on polygons and quadrilaterals.  We spent some time sorting shapes, building them with geoboards, and playing a game called "Guess My Quadrilateral".   Next week we will continue our work with geometry and we will revisit perimeter and area.

We finished reading Because of Winn Dixie this week and had great discussions about the lessons learned by Opal and other characters in the book.  We also spent some time analyzing the author's craft. We are now moving into another book called Make Way for Dyamonde Daniel by Nikki Grimes.  We will use this book to compare and contrast characters, their problems, and their reactions.

In Writer's Workshop we are busy publishing our final copies of our adapted fairy tales.  Next week Miss Deb's class will have share their adapted fairy tales with their Kindergarten book buddies. Today, Miss Deb's class visited Miss Megan's first grade class and listened to her students share their writing pieces.

Miss Deb's class also enjoyed a terrific Hands On Nature lesson this week about birds.  We listened to different bird calls and songs and played games to practice recognizing various birds by their calls and songs. A huge thank you to Erica Schramm, Anne Marcoe and Christi Koenig for another great learning experience.  Miss Niles' class will enjoy this same lesson next week.

Miss Niles' class enjoyed Fiber Art Friday today!  Bradie taught the children how to knit using their hand-crafted knitting needles.  Thanks to Anita, Martha, Johnine for teaching us as well!

This Tuesday, April 18th will be the dress rehearsal for our team's "Music Informance".  The Informance will take place at 8:40 in the cafeteria on Wednesday, April 19th.  We hope you all can make it!
Have a great weekend!
Deb and Jenn

Friday, April 7, 2017

Happy April!

Thank you to everyone for coming in for Parent Conferences last month.  It was nice to connect and celebrate your child's accomplishments this year!  Please note that the 3rd graders have a Music Informance on April 19th at 8:40am.  Please contact Amy Southworth with any questions. We hope to see you there!

In Writer's Workshop, the children have begun writing their Fairy Tale adaptations.  They are using their storyboard as plans and are drafting stories using narration and dialogue. As the children are writing, they are encouraged to elaborate with details to make the story come to life for the reader.  What is your child writing about?  Is it an adaptation of Cinderella, Little Red Riding Hood, or Three Billy Goats Gruff?

We are almost finished reading Because of Winn-Dixie.  This week we focused on exploring secondary characters in a story.  These are the characters that are not the main focus of the story, but have some effect on the main character.  We found in our reading that secondary or supporting characters can act as advisers (giving advice), sidekicks (friends), or challengers (antagonists).  See if your child can tell you about the secondary characters in Because of Winn-Dixie. What role do Gloria, Otis, and Franny Block play?

In math, we began a Geometry unit.  This week we explored the term attributes and identified attributes of a variety of shapes. The children worked in partnerships to create a shape poster highlighting the attributes of special quadrilaterals:  squares, trapezoids, parallelograms, and rhombuses.  Ask your child if he or she can tell you about an attribute of one of these shapes.  We also learned about and explored tangrams.  Tangrams were invented in China hundreds of years ago and are a set of seven puzzle pieces called tans.  These tans (different shapes) can be combined to form a square.  It was quite a challenge to put them together into a square!

Have a good weekend!