Friday, May 27, 2016

Author's Share

It was wonderful to see so many of you here yesterday for our Author's Share!  The children were very proud to share their Fairy Tale Adaptations with you! For the rest of the year, we will be reading, writing, and sharing poetry.  Miss Niles' class learned two different styles of poems this week: haiku and lantern. Both poetry styles focus on the number of syllables in each line of the poem.  See if your child can tell you more about haiku and lantern poems!

In math, we worked with arrays for one digit multiplied by two digit numbers. The students were put into partnerships and had to create a multiplication poster for a specific 1-by-2 digit multiplication combination. Each poster had to include a labeled array made from paper base then area pieces and equations showing at least two ways to find the product. The partnerships then shared their posters with the class, looking for constructive feedback about their mathematical representations and thinking.

We finished our Economics Social Studies unit this week.  We watched a Reading Rainbow episode about businesses and entrepreneurs.  The the children created business plans for a business they might like to have some day. They had to come up with a business idea; give it a name; decide if they were selling a good or a service; and where the business would be located.  After creating a plan, each child made a business poster with important information about their business. Their posters and ideas were great! Be sure to ask your child about his or her business!

Both of our classes met with our Book Buddies this week!  We have really enjoyed our time getting to know our Kindergarten friends.  We hope you have a great weekend.  Remember there is no school on Monday.  Please check our blog and talk to your children as we have many upcoming activities to end the year!

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