Friday, September 22, 2017

Fire Safety Day

We have had another wonderful week with our Esprit third graders!  One highlight from the week was Fire Safety Day at SCS.  We learned about fire hazards in our homes and how we can help prevent fires.  We also practiced climbing out a window in the event of a fire.  The children also learned about the importance of creating an escape plan with their families and deciding on a meeting spot outside of the home in case of a fire.
This week in math we began the third grade Bridges Math Program.  To start, we focused on addition and subtraction facts and strategies we use to add and subtract numbers quickly and fluently. We also learned and played three games to practice addition and subtraction facts:  Make the Sum, Target Twenty, and Blast Off to Space.  Be sure to ask your child about his or her favorite math game from the week!

In Reader's Worskhop, we continue to build our reading lives and finding ways to make reading a positive experience this year.  We first talked about making a system to help others find great books in our classroom: book recommendations.  As children finish books, they can fill out a recommendation form and place in our binder in the library.  Other children can peruse the binder when looking for a new book!  We also began to talk about the purpose of reading: comprehension.  We started a whole class book, Stone Fox, and we will be using this as a mentor text to practice comprehension strategy through the rest of the unit.  The first strategy we practiced was asking questions.  Ask your child to tell you a little about the book Stone Fox.

During Writer's Workshop, we continue to learn about ways that writers generate topics for stories.  One ways writers gather ideas is by thinking about memories.  The children listed their ten best memories so far in life in their writer's notebooks and then chose different memories to write about.  Writers also write about what is important to them.  The children created Heart Maps with pictures and words to show what they value most in life. Throughout the year, they can return to these heart maps for ideas as they write.  Be sure to ask your child about his or heart map!

The children have also had the opportunity to work Jeff Badillo, our technology integrationist.  He introduced them to the chromebooks; taught them how to log in to Google; and taught them how to use Typing Club.  We will begin the year by learning and practicing typing skills to help make our work with technology and writing easier and more efficient for the rest of the year.  Mr. Badillo also went over the SCS Chromebook Responsibility Agreement.  These are a set of expectations in regards to use of technology and the chromebooks while at school.  You and your child must sign the agreement and return it to school.  Ms. Deb's class has already received this form. It is coming home today in Miss Niles' Friday Folders.

Lastly, we had a visit from two representatives of the PTO. They came to our team to talk about the fall PTO fundraiser.  Your child should have come home with a packet with all the information.  Please know that your child does not have to sell any items...this is optional.  However, if your child does sell items, some of the money comes back to our team to help fund some of our field trips.  Thanks for considering!  Have a wonderful fall weekend!  Enjoy another weekend of sunshine!

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