Friday, November 3, 2017

Shelburne History Timelines

Team Esprit has been working hard creating Shelburne History Timelines on Padlet.  Students have all chosen events in Shelburne's history that they think were important and have created their timelines around those events.  They have also created and included pictures of each event.  Students will soon be sharing their timelines virtually with their families.

This Wednesday, November 8th,  the Esprit Team has planned our walking historical field trip into Shelburne.  We are very excited to learn about the historical significance of many of the buildings right here in the Village of Shelburne.  Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately for the walk on Wednesday.

We have been diving deeper into nonfiction this week during our Reader's and Writer's Workshops.  We have been practicing synthesizing information from two different texts about the same topic in Reader's Workshop and have begun writing chapters for our "Expert" informational texts in Writer's Workshop.  Ask you child what expert topic they are writing about.

In Math, we continue to explore a variety of strategies to solve multiplication problems.  Through problem strings, we have been looking for patterns and practicing using doubles and doubles of doubles to more efficiently solve the problems we are presented with.

The unexpected school closing on Monday moved our scheduled Mix-It Up day to Wednesday afternoon.  Several times a year elementary classes are paired with middle school classes to spend some time doing activities together and getting to know each other.  This year, Miss Deb's class is paired with Mr. Brunvand's class.  Miss Deb's class visited Mr. Brunvand's class and played board games during their Mix-It Up time.  Miss Niles' class is paired with Mrs. Bennett's class.  Mrs. Bennett's class visited the Esprit space and worked together with Miss Niles' class to create kindness rocks.

A huge thank you to all the Esprit parents who donated food for our "Harvest Celebrations" on Tuesday.  Both classrooms enjoyed some wonderful choices of healthy treats for our celebrations.
Have a terrific weekend and don't forget to set your clocks back Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. I love the idea of this history walk!!! I wish I could take the morning off work to join. I'll have to ask Noah all about it. great work!
